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Let me start by saying that I am grateful to share my passion for skin care with you. Throughout the years, I’ve noticed many people become frustrated when, after months of trying new products and trusting the promises of marketing phrases (which give no scientifically proven information), they end up aggravating their skin with these unsafe procedures. This leads them to feel hopeless, believing that their skin needs can’t be satisfied. That’s why I created Skin Feed: to give you information about skin care in an effective and simple way, ensuring you have  the tools you need to help you get the best skin you can have.

My goal is to explain skin care in a way that’s entertaining and easy to understand. The more information you have, the easier it will be to find products that you like at a price you can afford.

This blog is not affiliated in any way with any commercial purposes. Its main purpose is to provide fun, simple, easy-to-understand information about keeping your body, particularly your skin, healthy.
The information within Skin Feed should not be considered medical advice, nor should not replace a consultation by a qualified dermatologist. You are solely responsible for the decisions you make and the consequences of them.

Thank you for taking the time to read this first blog post. The most important thing to me is to know that these pieces of information can make a difference on your skin and bring out even more of your inner beauty! I really love to hear from you. Please feel free to send me an email with your comments, ask questions, or share your story with me.

Vanessa de la Rue

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